Saturday, December 27, 2008

Deema Al-Shawa Pleads with Pres-Elect Obama to End the Attack on Gaza

In light of Israel's invasion of Gaza, our Palestinian partner sent me this heartfelt letter expressing her pain about the death of innocent people, yet remaining optimistic about a fresh start with President-Elect Obama.

"Habibti Elza,
After reading your letter to Obama and while watching the news about Gaza today, I felt like sending something to Obama too, by using the alphabets of the word PALESTINE.

Deema Al-Shawa"


  • P. President Obama, Dear "Abu Hussien" that's how we call you in the Middle East.

  • A. An Action by you would make a historical difference! Your words: "CHANGE HAS COME TO AMERICA!" brought back our lost hopes & faith in the change that might come to the Middle East, through a better American political policy.

  • L. Let Peace Rule the Globe and bring back the missing justice.

  • E. Encourage our Palestinian vision for a better future & development, Palestinian young people are educated enough to handle it very well.

  • S. Save our hungry poor children in Gaza and millions will pray for you. Save them from the unjustified non-stop Israeli harm and the non-sensed political conflicts. Dear Mr. President in our Palestinian case, supporting the basic human rights by such a leader like you, will be remarked with a golden line in history.

  • T. Time has come for us to be treated as humans! It's almost 2009, 60 years of an unfair war, enough of erasing and neglecting our harmless Palestinian identity, kindly support our people, we do exist and we have rights. African Americans had suffered for years but today while celebrating your presidency HOPE is back! Justice will come after all to Palestine.

  • I. Initiating action for Cultural emergence in the Middle East by Enhancing "the Center for Human Emergence" through its SDI needed mission, will definitely help the US administration in implementing a better political, social and economical international transformation. Dr. Don Beck and CEO Elza Malouf our American Heroes will help you as much as they helped us, if you just give them the chance.

  • N. NO! For more genocides by the Israeli army, PALESTINE is screaming for your HELP!

  • E. Enough of taking sides! HO HO HO!! The Israeli Santa did deliver his bombs as a Christmas gift to the Palestinian Innocent children in Gaza, documented 27.12.2009. Merry Christmas Mr. President & Happy New Year.

By Deema Shawa.

Deema is a founding member of the Palestine Integral Committee at the Center For Human Emergence-Middle East . Since 2005, she has been leading the efforts to promote "Build Palestine Initiative" among young Palestinian leaders.

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  • Amazing one deema!

    By Blogger Unknown, At December 30, 2008 at 5:37 AM  

  • Thank you, that's the least that we can do.

    By Blogger Unknown, At January 18, 2009 at 6:28 AM  

  • Amazing Deema!! jad really nice words... i just wished everyone could read them and understand us... inshallah someday there will be JUSTICE... till that day comes we gotta stay STRONG!!!!

    (facebook) Gaza Natalia ABu sharar

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At February 4, 2009 at 1:45 PM  

  • Thanks habibti..Inshallah :)

    By Blogger Unknown, At February 5, 2009 at 4:05 AM  

  • Hello,

    I'm doing research on terrorism, and I've put together a pre-survey questionnaire that I'm circulating in order to get feedback on what a non-biased (non-western, non-white) survey might look like. I need to hear from other voices. I’m particularly interested in incorporating the views of women, non-whites, and people living outside of America and Western Europe.
    The final survey will go out later this year.

    The pre-survey questionnaire can be accessed at

    Would you post it, and possibly circulate it?
    I'd appreciate it.

    Thank you!
    Take care,

    John Maszka

    By Blogger Dr. John Maszka, At April 4, 2009 at 12:31 PM  

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